

Electromagnetic absorption characteristics of 1-D graphene photonic crystals

  • 摘要: 为了研究1维石墨烯光子晶体在可见光波段的吸收特性,采用传输矩阵的方法进行了理论分析和数值仿真,得到了1维石墨烯吸收特性与石墨烯层数、缺陷层介质厚度、电磁波模式有关的结果。结果表明,增加石墨烯层数时,对波长为556nm左右的绿光的吸收作用明显增强;缺陷层介质厚度增加时会引起吸收峰的增加;在TE模式下,入射角对石墨烯光子晶体吸收特性影响较小。该研究结果为1维石墨烯光子晶体吸收器的设计提供了理论依据。


    Abstract: In order to study the absorption characterisctics of 1-D graphene photonic crystal in the visible band, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation were conducted by using transfer matrix method. The dependance of absorption characterisctics of 1-D graphene on graphene layers, dielectric thickness of defect layers, and electromagnetic mode were obtained. The results show that the absorption with green light of wavelength of about 556nm is enhanced significantly with the increasing of the layers of graphene. The absorption peak will increase with the increasing of dielectric thickness of defect layer. In the TE mode, the angle of incidence has a little effect on the absorption characterisctics of graphene photonic crystal. The results provide the theoretical basis for the study of 1-D graphene photonic crystal absorbers.


