

Selecting technological parameters from laser induced phase transformation hardening processes of materials

  • 摘要: 激光在工业应用中,相变硬化是一个重要方面。其工艺选择直接影响着相变硬化层的深度和宽度。从热传导基本方程出发,得出了相变硬化过程中工艺参数(激光功率、光斑直径、离焦量、扫描速度)与硬化层深度、宽度之间的关系。用编制的工艺参数选择的计算机软件计算的结果与实验结果进行了比较,其相对误差为:硬化层宽度平均相对误差为3.7%,硬化层深度为18.7%。


    Abstract: We solve the heat conduction equation with semi-infinite boundary condition and present a mathematical model to emulate the relationship of the technical parameters ω(beam radius),ν(scanning speed)and P(laser power)of phase transformation processing to depth and width of the hardened region.The comparisons of emulation with tested results show that the average relative errors of width and depth of hardened region are 3.7% and 18.7%,respectively.This results are meaningful for better selection of technical parameter.


