Experimental and numerical simulation of laser shock strengthening of Ni-Co alloy pole
摘要: 为了开发能有效提高火花塞使用寿命的新工艺,借助于激光冲击强化装置,实验研究了对材料为Ni-Co合金的火花塞中心电极表面的激光冲击强化处理;探讨了不同的冲击次数、不同的入射激光能量对冲击强化区残余应力、塑性变形、硬度的影响;并用ABAQUS软件进行了有限元模拟。实验测量与仿真结果均表明,利用激光冲击强化技术,冲击区域材料的位错密度得到了进一步提高;并在强化区表面产生了渴望的残余压应力;火花塞中心电极的表面硬度也得到了显著提高。经过随车使用实验,证明经过激光冲击强化后的火花塞其平均使用寿命比未受强化的火花塞提高了近1倍,表明激光冲击强化技术不失为提高火花塞使用寿命的一种好的工艺方法。Abstract: The influence of laser shock of Ni-Co sample on plasticity deformation,hardness,stress and life is studied experimentally and simulated by ABAQUS.The results indicate that laser shock can make shock area produce residual pressure stress and hardness of shock area be enhanced.By test on an automobile,the average life of the impacted spark plug is testified to be enhanced by almost one times than the crude spark plug.The results prove that the laser impact strengthening technology is a prospective measure for enhancing the lifespan of the spark plug.