

The fabrication and transmissivity of porous alumina templates

  • 摘要: 多孔氧化铝由于具有规则的纳米多孔结构,是制备各种纳米材料的良好模板,因此,研究多孔氧化铝的制备和物理性质具有重要的意义.采用阳极氧化方法制备了多孔氧化铝有序孔洞阵列,通过场发射扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)观测了样品的表面、截面的形貌和晶态结构,分析了样品的透射光谱性质.结果表明,制备的多孔氧化铝模板的孔洞分布有序,孔径大小均匀,严格垂直底面;模板具有非晶态结构,在可见光和红外波长范围内具有较高的透射性能.


    Abstract: Due to the regular porous nanostructure,porous alumina is always used as templates to prepare the kin of nanomaterials.Therefore,it is very important to investigate the preparation and physical property of porous alumina.Porous alumina was fabricated by anodization in oxalic acid solution.The micro-structures,crystalline state and transmissivity of porous alumina were investigated.By scanning electron microscopy(SEM) observation,distribution of pores was found to be ordered and pores were precisely vertical to their substratum.X-ray diffraction(XRD) demonstrated that the samples were non crystalline structure.In the visible and infrared wavelength range,porous alumina have excellent transmittivty.


