The achievement of multi-mirror cavity wavelength 1.44μm Nd:YAG laser
摘要: 为了开发在医学应用领域具有独特优点的1.44μm激光,采用Nd∶YAG激光多镜腔技术,设计出对不同波长镀膜参量不同的腔镜。通过增加腔镜的方法,增大了谐振腔对1.06μm和1.32μm波长的损耗,同时增大了1.44μm波长的增益。解决了两镜腔镀膜难以实现的问题,有效抑制了1.06μm和1.32μm波长的振荡。实现了从4F3/2到4I15/2的跃迁,获得了1.44μm激光输出。理论分析和实验设计表明,多镜腔比两镜腔更容易实现1.44μm波长的激光输出。Abstract: In order to exploit the 1.44μm laser with unique merits in medical application,the multi-mirror technology of(Nd∶YAG) laser is adopt.The mirrors with special coating parameters to different wavelength are designed.By the means of adding the mirrors,the loss of 1.06μm,1.32μm as well as the gain parameter of 1.44μm are increased in resonator.Then the difficult problems of coating requests in two-mirror cavity are solved.The laser oscillation of 1.06μm and 1.32μm has been restricted effectually.Eventually,the transition from 4F(3/2) to 4I(15/2) levels is realized,and the 1.44μm laser is achieved.Theoretic analysis and experimental design show that 1.44μm laser oscillates easier in multi-wave resonator than in two-mirror resonator.