

Analysis of the signal detection of laser scattering in the air

  • 摘要: 有些应用场合需要利用大气气溶胶对激光的散射来探测激光。在都市郊区大气模型条件下,利用米氏散射理论,对1.06μm激光在低空大气中传输时散射辐照度的分布进行了理论分析和数值计算。得到激光大气散射辐照度随离轴距离的增大近似按反比规律缓慢下降、能见度仅影响散射强度的大小而不影响散射强度的分布等特征。这些特征在激光散射实验中得到了初步的验证,可为激光信号的散射探测提供理论依据和参考。


    Abstract: It is necessary to detect the atmospheric scattering laser in some situation.Based on the atmospheric model of cities and suburbs,the distribution of the scattering irradiance of 1.06μm laser in the low atmosphere is analyzed and calculated by using Mie's scattering theory.The characteristics of the scattering irradiance distribution are obtained,which are proofed in part.That is,the maximum intensity of aerial scattering laser decreases slowly with the off-axial distance and is inversely proportional to the distance;visibility only affects scattering intensity,instead of the distribution of scattering intensity.The characteristics can provide the theoretical basis and reference for the signal detection of laser scattering.


