

Transmittance comparison of Glan-Taylor prism and Glan-Foucault prism

  • 摘要: 为了验证空气隙的厚度是否对偏光棱镜的透射比产生影响,对格兰-泰勒棱镜和格兰-付科棱镜的透射比进行了详细的理论分析,并利用UV-3101分光光度计分别对两只格兰-泰勒棱镜和两只格兰-付科棱镜的透射比进行了实验测试,发现格兰-泰勒棱镜的透射比(85%左右)明显高于格兰-付科棱镜(50%左右)。理论分析表明,对于严格的准直光束,两种棱镜的透射比均随波长的变化而振荡,且这种振荡对格兰-付科棱镜强于格兰-泰勒棱镜;但在分光光度计上的测试并未出现振荡,这说明对于非严格准直的光束,空气隙的厚度并不影响棱镜的透射比。


    Abstract: In order to verify whether the thickness of air-gap would influence the prism's transmittance,the transmittance of Glan-Taylor prism and Glan-Faucault prism is theoretically studied.The transmittance of two-Glan-Taylor prisms and two-Glan-Faucault prisms is tested with a UV-3101 spectral photometer,and the results are found the transmittance of Glan-Taylor prism(about 85%) is obviously higher than that of Glan-Faucault prism(about 50%).For strictly collimating light,the transmittance of these two types of prism varies with the wavelength change,and this vibration is stronger for Glan-Faucault prism than for Glan-Taylor prism.However,the experimental result tested by spectral photometer doesn't have vibration,which shows that for non-strictly collimating light,the thickness of air-gap doesn't influence the prism's transmittance.


