

Numerical study on spatial optical limiting by stimulated Brillouin scattering

  • 摘要: 采用布里渊噪声起源模型求解受激布里渊散射瞬态耦合波方程,数值模拟了截面光强为高斯分布的光束通过布里渊介质后的光强分布。结果表明,透射光束截面光强呈现出近似平顶的超高斯分布,光强峰值被限制,显示出受激布里渊散射的空间光限幅效应。当改变相互作用长度或者介质增益系数,即可以改变受激布里渊散射的产生阈值,进而改变输出脉冲空间限幅的幅值。


    Abstract: Adopting noise-initiation mode of stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS),the transient SBS equations are numerically solved,and the intensity distribution of transmission beam when the Gaussian beam passes Brillouin medium is simulated.The results indicate that the peak intensity of transmission beam is limited,and the cross-section intensity distribution is approximately flat-topped super Gaussian,which shows the optical limiting effect of SBS.When the interaction length or gain coefficient is changed,the SBS threshold is changed,and the intensity value of optical limiting is altered.


