

Some issues in the design of CD lens for practical application

  • 摘要: 介绍了CD光学系统的工作原理和光学评价准则,讨论了设计和装配中应当注意的主要问题.从工程化的角度设计了一款可用于批量生产的CD物镜,通过对设计实例的计算分析,给出了激光器像散、制造误差、系统误差影响下物镜的光学特性曲线.设计结果不仅可以承受各种制造误差,而且能够在聚焦误差、光盘倾斜等其它误差存在的情况下,于较大寻迹范围内保持良好的光学特性,证明了该设计的实用性.


    Abstract: The working theory and optical criterion for the CD optical system is introduced,then some main issues for the design and assembling are discussed.A kind of CD lens for practical use and mass production have been designed.Based on the calculation of the lens,the optical performance curves affected by the LD astigmatism,manufacturing errors and system errors are presented.The design can endure various manufacture errors.Even the focusing error and disk tilt occur,excellent optical performance can be obtained within the whole tracking area,which shows the design is practical.


