

Measurement for net gain of Er-doped/Yb:Er-codoped silicate glass with high-concentrations

  • 摘要: 室温下测量了两种高浓度掺杂硅酸盐玻璃丝的净增益随抽运功率、玻璃丝长度的特性曲线,在100mW功率抽运下,掺铒质量浓度为0.19g/cm3的硅酸盐玻璃丝的单位长度净增益为1.96dB/cm,阈值功率为36mW,最佳长度为4.5cm;掺镱质量浓度为1.1g/cm3、掺铒质量浓度为0.12g/cm3的镱铒共掺硅酸盐玻璃丝,单位长度净增益为3.07dB/cm,阈值功率为28mW,最佳长度为2.5cm。结果表明,在厘米长度量级上可获得近10dB的净增益。镱铒共掺硅酸盐玻璃丝的净增益随抽运功率增长未出现饱和趋势,说明镱作为敏化剂可以改善掺铒光纤放大器的增益特性。


    Abstract: The relationship between the net gain of two kinds of glass with high dopant concentrations and pumping power,thread lengths is measured at room temperature.The results show that,under 100mW pumping power,the net gain of Er-doped glass thread with 0.19g/cm3 concentration is 1.96dB/cm,its threshold pumping power is 36mW and optimum length is 4.5cm.The net gain of Yb:Er-codoped glass thread with 1.1g/cm3 Yb-concentration and 0.12g/cm3 Er-concentration is 3.07dB/cm,its threshold pumping power is 28mW and optimum length is 2.5cm.That is,10dB total net gain can be obtained within 10cm length.The net gain of Yb:Er-codoped glass threads don't take on the trend of saturation when pumping power becomes stronger.It means that more sensitive ytterbium improves the net gain characteristics of the Er-doped fiber amplifiers.


