

Study on laser cladding hard alloy with electromagnetic stirring

  • 摘要: 在多元复合硬质合金的激光熔覆过程中,熔池中各组分元素密度不一致及其它物性差别使激光熔覆层出现硬质分布不均匀和粗大是形成覆层中裂纹缺陷的主要原因。针对此,研究设计了一台适用于激光熔覆的电磁搅拌器,并初步开展了电磁搅拌辅助激光熔覆硬质合金的工艺研究。结果表明,电磁搅拌不仅对熔覆层的宏观形貌还是微观组织都有影响,电磁搅拌能细化熔覆层中的WC组织,并使其分布均匀化,同时电磁搅拌能明显细化熔覆层过渡区中的树枝晶组织。


    Abstract: In the processing of cladding,the difference of density and character of compositions leads to component segregation,and the cracks in the laser cladding coating are mainly related to the component segregation.In order to decrease the defects,an electromagnetic stirring equipment for laser cladding has been designed and made.Electromagnetic stirring has been used in laser cladding processing.Laser cladding hard alloy with electromagnetic stirring is studied.The results show that electromagnetic stirring affect not only the macro-appearance,but also the micro-structure of the coating.It can refine the WC structure and make them homogeneous,and also refine the branch crystal in transition region of the coating.


