

Measurement of the phase retardation of wave-plate using beam splitting and differential method

  • 摘要: 为提高系统的测量精度,拓宽系统的测量范围,基于偏振调制原理,设计了分束差动法测量波片延迟量的方法和实验系统.测试表明,该系统的测量范围覆盖紫外、可见及近红外区域,也可以用来测量其它相位延迟器的延迟量.对于1/4波片和半波片的测量精度优于0.1%.


    Abstract: Based on the principle of polarizing modulation,a new method of phase retardation measurement and the experimental system are given.Investigative purpose is how to rise metrical precision and to rise metrical range.Measured result is metrical range from ultraviolet to near infrared and can measure other phase retardation.It is especially powerful for calibrating quarte-wave-plate and half-wave-plate,the metrical precision is less than 0.1%.


