

Intensity distribution of converging spherical waves passing through an annular aperture

  • 摘要: 基于菲涅耳衍射积分公式,推导出了会聚球面波通过环形光阑后场分布的解析公式,并讨论了一些特殊情况.数值计算例表明,光强分布与菲涅耳数和遮拦比有关.使用轴上光强公式和近似公式对焦移计算结果的比较证明了近似公式的适用范围.


    Abstract: Based on the Fresnel diffraction integral,the analytical expression for the field distribution of converging spherical waves passing through an annular aperture is derived and some special cases are discussed.Numerical calculations are performed to show the dependence of intensity distribution on the Fresenl number and obscure ratio.In order to illustrate the valid range of the axial intensity expression and approximation formulae numerical results of both the methods are compared.


