The effect of high-order dispersion on soliton and the effect of soliton on propagation
摘要: 用数值法求解含高阶色散效应的光孤子NLS方程,数值求解发现三阶色散效应使孤子脉座单边振荡和四阶色散效应使孤子脉座的双边振荡,导致临近的脉冲相互重叠和脉冲形状畸变,在孤子对间激起次脉冲,从而造成系统误码,提出重点应对三阶色散进行补偿以减小系统误码。Abstract: Numerical solutions to the soliton nonliner Schrodinger (NLS) equation of higher-order dispersion effect find the third-order dispersion effect causing the soliton pulse seat to oscillate on a single side and the fourth-order effect causing it to oscillate on both sides,which result in the neighboring optical pulses overlapping and the shapes of the optical pulses distorting.The secondary pulses are evoked between the pair of optical soliton,therefore,cause systematic error code.We suggest that the third-order dispersion should be compensated on purpose in order to reduce systematic error code.