

Numerical analysis of CO2 DIAL measurement sensitivity

  • 摘要: 针对直接探测长程CO2差分吸收激光雷达系统,分析了对测量灵敏度产生影响的两个主要因素:大气湍流和激光斑纹,得到了测量灵敏度与大气湍流和激光斑纹之间关系的数值计算结果。结果表明,在高度小于350m时,增加设备离地高度可以有效地提高测量灵敏度;在高度大于350m后,改变系统参数可以有效地提高测量灵敏度。


    Abstract: For direct detection,long-range CO2 differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system,two factors which have effects on measurement sensitivity:atmospheric turbulence and laser speckle are analyzed.Numerical calculation results of the dependent relationship between measurement sensitivity and atmospheric turbulence and laser speckle are obtained.These results show that when the height is smaller than 350m,measurement sensitivity can be efficiently improved by increasing the height of equipment above ground;when the height is bigger than 350m,measurement sensitivity can be efficiently improved by changing system parameters.


