

The transient stress analysis of the roll surface during laser strengthening

  • 摘要: 轧辊表面在激光扫描过程中经历剧烈的热循环,由温度场的集中效应造成辊面应力呈现动态变化的趋势,扫描瞬时的光斑内部应力场以压应力为主。由于组织比容的变化,辊面处理后的残余应力分布更加复杂,采用实验手段测量应力分布状况的难度较大,因此,利用数值分析方法是合理的选择。


    Abstract: The roll surface experiences severe thermal circulation during the laser strengthening.Due to the concentration of the temperature field,the stress on the roll surface changes dynamically,and the transient distribution within the laser spot is mainly compressive.Furthermore,as the change of the specific volume of the micro-structure,the residual stress distribution after the laser treatment is very complicated.As a result,it is very difficult to measure the stress distribution experimentally.So it is a reasonable choice to simulate the distribution with the numerical method.


