

Study on the third harmonic generation induced by the second-order cascading in nonlinear photonic crystal

  • 摘要: 运用非线性耦合波理论,分析了在非线性光子晶体中,通过二阶过程产生三次谐波的准相位匹配条件。数值模拟结果表明,在入射光中引入倍频光信号,能够极大地改变三次谐波的转换效率。当入射光中倍频光与基频光强度比以及两者复振幅的初相角满足一定的条件时,可在宽的入射光强范围内获得很高的三次谐波转换效率。


    Abstract: In this article,the conversion efficiency of the third harmonic generation induced by second-order cascading in nonlinear photonic crystals is analysed when quasi-phase matching is satisfied. The numerical calculation shows that the conversion efficiency of third harmonic generation is strongly modulated by second harmonic signal in input light. If the ratio of the intensity and the primary phase of second harmonic signal and fundamental light satisfy certain condition,a high conversion efficiency of the third harmonic generation can be found in a wide scale of input intensity.


