

Analysis of FFP characteristics based on Gaussian beam coupling model

  • 摘要: 反衬度、反射率、自由光谱带宽是FFP干涉仪的重要性能指标,而FFP腔光波几何衰减因子、端面反射率及腔长3个参数又是影响这些指标的主要因素。针对以均匀光束耦合模型为基础的FFP几何衰减因子的不足,提出了以高斯光束耦合为基础的衰减因子模型,得到了与实际值接近的衰减因子公式;分析了FFP腔长和两端面反射率对反射谱反衬度及反射率的影响;根据以上分析设计了光纤光栅FFP波长解调器。


    Abstract: Discrimination,reflectivity and FSW(free spectrum width),which are determined by the geometric attenuation factor of optic field and reflectivity of two ends greatly,are the important factors of FFP(fiber Fabry-Perot).Because of the imprecision of the old attenuation factor,which is based on identical beam model,a new model based on Gaussian beams is provided,and the equation of which is found.Then the influence of cavity length and refrectivity of ends to discrimination and reflectivity of FFP is analysed deeply. Conclusively,a FFP wavelength demodulator is designed for optic fiber grating.


