Research of parallel degree of optical axis and beaming spot into and out of incepting view field for laser apparatus
摘要: 为适应当前航空航天以及国防等领域对某一类型激光器的迫切需求,结合该方面的专业知识与空间立体几何、空间解析几何知识,经过详细地分析与推导,解决了该类型激光器收、发射场光轴方程的建立,以及两光轴间的平行度问题 ;同时也较为详细地分析了发射光斑移出接收视场的问题,并给出了计算发射光斑不移出接收视场的最大距离的计算公式。该研究结果对实际工程应用设计具有较为重要的参考价值,并有着理论上的意义。Abstract: To meet the current urgent requirement for some type of laser apparatus in the areas of aviation,spaceflight and national defence,etc,this paper successfully deals with developing optical-axis equations and its parallel degree for this type of laser apparatus with detailed analyzing and reasoning by using spatiality and geometry knowledge.At the same time,it also analyzes the problem of beaming spot getting into and out of incepting view field in detail.Then the formula of maximal distance of beaming spot not getting out of incepting view field is given in this paper.The research is valuable to the actual project design and application.