

The influence of temperature on reflected wavelength shift of fiber Bragg gratings

  • 摘要: 设计建立了一套光纤光栅温度传感实验装置,研究了温度对光纤光栅反射波长漂移量的影响。分别对升温和降温过程中光纤光栅反射波长进行了测试,得到了升温和降温过程每度反射波中心波长平均漂移量,分析讨论了波长漂移与温度的变化方向的关系和温度传感响应速度等问题。结果表明,光纤光栅温度传感器响应速度很高,反射波长漂移量与温度具有比较好的线性关系,且与温度的变化方向无关。


    Abstract: An experimental setup of fiber Bragg gratings temperature sensing has been designed and founded.The influence of temperature on reflected wavelength shift of fiber Bragg gratings was studied.The wavelength shift of fiber Bragg gratings was measured respectively during temperature increasing and dropping.It was obtained that average reflected wavelength shift per Celsius centigrade degree when temperature increasing and dropping.Furthermore,the questions of the relations between wavelength shift and temperature variational direction and temperature sensing response speed was analyzed and discussed thoroughly.The results indicate that the response of fiber grating sensor is rapid.The relations between reflected wavelength shift and temperature have better linearity and the reflected wavelength shift is independent of temperature variational direction.


