

High-accuracy current and temperature control for laser diode using MCS-51 microcontroller

  • 摘要: 讨论了一种大功率半导体激光控制器的设计方案,能够对激光器提供一个稳定的受控电流,并能实时监视、控制激光器的温度,以达到保护激光器的目的。主控器采用MCS-51单片机来实现对整个系统的精确控制,对电流的监控达到毫安级,温度可达0.1℃。激光二极管热电制冷器驱动电路采用高效、大功率H桥驱动集成块DRV592。与当前普遍采用分立元件设计相比,简化了80%的设计。


    Abstract: A laser controller consisting of MCS-51 microcontroller and Texas Instruments DRV592 power driver is presented.The DRV592 is a high-efficiency,high-current H-bridge ideal for driving a wide variety of the thermoelectric cooler(TEC)elements in systems powered from2.8Vto5.5V.The MCS-51 microcontroller implements a digital proportional-integral-derivative feedback controller using an analog-to-digital converter to read the thermistor,and direct output of pulse-width-modulated waveforms to the H-bridge DRV592 power amplifier.The laser controller can achieve ±0.1℃ temperature and milliampere accuracy,which is internally protected against thermal and current overloads.


