

Study of dynamic characteristics of multirod plane-plane resonators

  • 摘要: 基于等价腔方法,将高功率固体激光器使用的二棒平行平面腔的结果推广到多棒平行平面腔。推导出了g*参数和等价腔长的解析表达式。对这类光腔的动态工作特性做了详细分析,并给出了数值计算例。研究表明,对两类多棒对称平行平面腔,在g*参数图上的动态特性曲线是过原点的一条直线。若多棒的热焦距有小的偏差,特性曲线不再是直线。然而,用适当调节镜和棒以及棒间距离的方法可以使特性曲线重新成为一条直线。因而采用这种方法可以补偿棒的热焦距偏差,给出了有关的数学公式。


    Abstract: Based on the equivalent resonator method,the results of a two rod plane-plane resonator used for high power solid state lasers are extended to multirod plane-plane resonators.The analytical expressions for g*-parameters and equivalent resonator length of a multirod plane-plane resonator are derived.The dynamic characteristics of such a type of resonator are analyzed in detail,and illustrated with numerical examples.It is shown that for two types of multirod symmetric plane-plane resonators,the characteristic curve on the g*-parameter diagram is a straight line passing through the origin.If there is a small discrepance of the thermal focal length of rods,the characteristic curve is no longer a straight line.However,by a suitable adjustment of the distances between the mirrors and rods,the curve becomes again a straight line.Therefore,the discrepance of the thermal focal length can be compensated in such a way,and the relevant mathematical formula is also proposed.


