

Initial chirp's effect on chirp caused by polarization modes coupling

  • 摘要: 研究了两正交偏振模耦合所致啁啾。利用耦合非线性薛定谔方程推导出带初始啁啾入射脉冲经偏振模耦合产生的啁啾表达式,分析了各因素对啁啾的影响。研究结果得出,入纤偏振角导致在两偏振方向上产生啁啾的差异;较弱的偏振走离效应对啁啾有一定影响,较强的偏振走离效应对啁啾几乎没有影响;初始啁啾则起了决定性的作用。


    Abstract: In this paper,chirp caused by polarization modes coupling on the input pulse with initial chirp is investigated.The function of chirp is induced through coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation.Every factor's effect on the chirp is discussed.The results show:input polarization angle causes the chirp differs in the two polarization directions;for a single polarization direction,the weak polarization walk-off effect influences the chirp to a certain degree,while the strong influences little;the initial chirp prominently decides that caused by polarization modes coupling.


