Study on Nd:YVO4/KTP all-solid-state frequency doubling laser
摘要: 介绍了两种腔型结构不同的Nd:YVO4/KTP全固化倍频绿光激光器,对腔结构参数进行了优化计算;在相同的实验条件下,对这两种腔的输出和稳定性等特性进行了比较和深入分析,在此基础上得出结论,提出改进措施。该折叠腔方案已进入产品化阶段。Abstract: Nd:YVO4/KTP all-solid-state frequency doubling lasers with two kinds of cavity structure are introduced,and their parameters are optimized based on calculation.On the same experiment conditions,their output and stability are compared and analyzed completely,and conclusions are educed.Then,some better techniques are put forward.Based on the analyses,some products are made by the folded cavity.