

Model of scanning laser energy and its distribution in selective laser sintering

  • 摘要: 在快速成形技术中,扫描激光与物质的物理化学作用决定了加工零件的质量和加工效率;SLS(激光选区烧结)成形技术中的扫描激光能量大小和分布对加工件的质量有决定作用。分析了激光扫描的能量大小和分布,讨论了扫描激光的有关参数对扫描能量大小和分布的影响规律;指出一定间隔叠加扫描的激光能量大小与扫描间隔是一个非线形关系,其分布也与扫描间隔有密切的关系;激光束直径、扫描速度等参数对扫描能量的大小与分布也有一定影响;扫描线的数量与扫描能量的大小与分布几乎无关。


    Abstract: The coaction of scanning laser with material processed impacts the quality of parts and processing efficiency. The scanning laser energy and its distribution determine the accuracy and performance of SLS parts. The scanning laser energy and its distribution are analyzed,and influence of the relational parameter on scanning laser energy and its distribution is discussed in this paper. Then it is concluded that the relation of scanning laser energy with scanning space is nonlinear,and its distribution is associated with scanning space,and the energy and its distribution are associated with beam diameter and scanning speed,but is irrespective with number of scanning laser lines.


