

Study of laser cladded Co-based alloy/SiCp coatings on IF steel

  • 摘要: 采用5kWCO2激光器在IF钢表面激光熔覆CoCrWNiSi合金/SiCp陶瓷涂层。利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪分析了熔覆层的相结构和凝固组织特征。对熔覆层的耐磨性进行了试验。结果表明,熔覆层细小均匀,与基体搭接处为平面、胞状晶,表层为细密的枝晶。熔覆层的相结构为γ-Co及Si2W,CoWSi,Cr3Si,CoSi2等相。SiC的加入提高了熔覆层的耐磨性。


    Abstract: Coatings,made of Co-Cr-W-Ni-Sialloy+20% SiCp,deposited by laser cladding on IF steel are introduced. Cross section of such coatings has been examined to reveal their microstructure using optical moic-roscope,scanning electron and XRD. There existed some crystallization morphologies in different regions,such as planar,cellar (at the bonding area),columnar and dendrite (at the center and near the surface). XRD showed that the primary phase γ-Co dendrite and Si2W,CoWSi,Cr3Si,CoSi2 existed in the coatings. The results also showed that the wear resistance of the clad layer improved by adding SiCp.


