Review of nanosecond optical parametric oscillators
摘要: 结合最新纳秒光参量振荡器(OPOs)的相关文献对纳秒级光参量振荡器的工作特性进行了细致描述,就光参量振荡器的几个重要指标分别进行了探讨,给出了几种新型非线性光学晶体的技术参数,并讨论了其相应的优缺点,最后阐述了纳秒光参量振荡器可能的发展前景。Abstract: A detailed discription about working properties of nanosecond optical parametric oscillators(OPO) is given. The main characteristics of nanosecond OPOs are illuminated. Several novel nonlinear crystals are shown and their properties are also discussed. At last a brief look forward of nan-osecond OPOs is presented.