

Description of the efficient laser energy in the process of powder feeding laser cladding

  • 摘要: 为描述激光熔覆层质量与工艺参数之间的相互关系,在研究自动送粉激光熔覆过程能量分配规律的基础上,利用金相法检测的不同工艺条件下单道熔覆层的宏观参数,定量计算了L.C.Lim提出的单位质量熔覆材料的比能和单位时间实际输入的比能两个重要参数,并系统地分析了影响因素。在激光参数恒定的条件下,单位质量熔覆材料的比能随送粉速率的增大而减小;单位时间实际输入的比能随扫描速度的增加而减小。对单位质量熔覆材料的比能随扫描速度的变化出现最小值的现象给出了合理的解释。为进一步研究熔覆层的凝固行为、显微组织与工艺参数的关系奠定了理论基础。


    Abstract: In order to explain the relationship among the powder feeding rate,scanning speed and the qualities of the clad coatings,the concepts of the specific energy input Er and the specific energy Eh formulated by L.C.Lim have been introduced with their experimental measuring methods which have been proved be successful.Based on metallographical measurement,the equations expressing the relationship between the specific energy input Er,the specific energy Eh and the parameters of the laser coated layer and the processing parameters has been derived.The factors effecting the specific energy input Er and the specific energy Eh have been studied carefully.When the powder feeding rate vf and scanning speed vs increase,the specific energy Er and the specific energy Eh decrease under definite laser power P and beam spot dimension.A reasonable explanation why a minimum is observed in the relationship between the scanning speed and the specific energy Er is presented.In the meantime,it is the theoretical foundation for further study the microstructure,mechanism of solidification and processing parameters.


