

The effects of temperature on the stability of bright screening photovoltaic spatial solitons

  • 摘要: 研究了温度对加外电压的光伏光折变晶体中屏蔽光伏明孤子稳定性的影响。在某一晶体温度下形成的稳定屏蔽光伏明孤子,当温度在一个较小范围内变化时,孤子能够克服较小的微扰而保持其稳定性。当温度发生足够大的变化而超出这一稳定温度范围时,孤子将变得不稳定。通过改变晶体的温度能使一个不稳定的孤子变得稳定。


    Abstract: We present a theoretical analysis of temperature effects on the stability of screening-photovoltaic spatial bright solitons in biased photovoltaic-photorefractive materials.A stable screening-photovoltaic bright soliton formed at a temperature is stable against small perturbations when the temperature changes in a regime by name the stable temperature regime whereas tends to be unstable when the temperature exceeds the regime.An unstable optical solitary beam can evolve into a stable screening-photovoltaic bright soliton by adjusting the crystal temperature.


