

Thermodynamic analysis on anti-Stokes fluorescent cooling

  • 摘要: 从1995年Epstein实现了光与热的制冷效应的历史性突破以来,由于该制冷方法具有全光性的独特优点,同时制备的制冷器具有无振动和噪声、无电磁辐射、体积小、重量轻、可靠性高等特点,故反斯托克斯荧光制冷器在军事、航天卫星、微电子、低温物理与工程等领域具有非常诱人的应用前景。运用热力学基本定律对反斯托克斯荧光制冷过程中的能量转换关系及转换深度进行分析,推导出这一过程的最大热力学效率的计算公式,获得设计激光制冷器热力学限制上限。


    Abstract: Since Epstein realized the energy conversion between light and heat and got the net cooling capacity in 1995,this refrigeration method has been developed very rapidly because of its merits,such as mini volume,light weight,free electromagnetic radiation,non-noise,high reliability.In the meantime,anti-Stokes fluorescent cooling has luring future in military,aerospace,satellite,micro-electronics,cryogenic physics and engineering.The basic thermodynamic laws are utilized to analyze the conversion depth about heat energy into light radiation in detail;the definitions of light effective temperature and thermodynamic conversion efficiency are introduced.Then a formula to calculate the thermodynamic upper efficiency limit has been derived,which can provide a design guide rule to produce the laser cooling machines.


