Mathematical model of particle shape affecting function based on EPO theory
摘要: 在EPO面理论将微粒3D形体用2D面形表述的思想基础上,对任意形体微粒提出了形貌特征概率分布函数,进而对真实微粒建立了半椭圆概率组合模型和形貌影响因子T(f)的特征分布函数,并且对Gaussian分布场进行了数值计算,求出了Gaussian分布场下T(f)分布函数的理论解。其计算结果与微粒Mie散射理论结果较一致。Abstract: The shape of the particles in 3D can be present in 2D upon EPO theory,so a function which presents the distribution of the shape of particles is put forward in this paper.The other function T(f) that presents the inference affection of the shape is also calculated in the case of Gaussian scattering field.The result of the calculation conforms to Mie scattering of the spherical particles.