Influence of input beam radii on ring-shaped intensity produced by BOE
摘要: 在已设计的16阶用于将He-Ne基模高斯光束转换为厚环形光束二元光学元件基础上,模拟计算了输入光束光斑半径变化对所设计的二元光学元件整形环效果的影响,模拟结果显示,当光斑半径偏离设计值在±50μm范围内,环上均匀性的均方误差不超出设计值的5%.同时,给出了输入光斑半径为1.745mm时的实验结果及660nm半导体激光实验结果.Abstract: Based on the 16 phase level binary optical elecment(BOE) designed to convert a given single-mode He-Ne laser beam into a ring-shaped intensity distribution,its shaping effect is numerically simulated for different input beam radii.The simulation results show that the relative mean-square deviation of the shaped amplitude is less than 5% when the difference between the input beam radius and the designed one is within the range of ±50μm.Furthermore,experiment results have been presented for the case that the input beam radius is 1.745mm and the -wavelength for the semiconductor is 660nm.