Experimental design of X-ray laser excited by capillary discharge
摘要: 近年来,有关利用毛细管放电激励产生X光激光的研究十分活跃,国际上已经取得了许多显著的成果,并且正向实现实用化Table-top Laser发展.作者首先介绍了毛细管放电激励X光方案的原理及国内外的重要进展,在对两种典型机制的分析的同时,也阐述了对该方案的发展方向及需要克服难点的看法.Abstract: Recently the studies on generation of X-ray laser excited by capillary discharge are quite active and remarkable progress has been made.The development in this field is focused on how to make compact and practical ultra-wavelength laser.In this paper,significant progress is introduced.The development and difficulty about generation of X-ray laser by capillary discharge is expounded,and recombination and laser schemes are analyzed.