

Effect of finite outer scale of turbulence on aperture averaging of optical scintillations

  • 摘要: 基于包含湍流内、外尺度和高波数跃变的变形Andrews折射率谱从理论上分析了平面和球面波大气闪烁孔径平滑效应,得出了弱湍流起伏区无限平面波闪烁平滑因子解析关系和球面波孔径平滑因子内插关系.结果表明,在分析孔径平滑效应时应该考虑湍流外尺度的影响.作者采用变形Andrews折射率模型所得结果与采用Kolmogorov谱计算值间有明显差别.


    Abstract: Based on a modified spectrum of refractive index fluctuation that features inner scale,outer scale and a high wave number bump,and the Gaussian aperture model, analytical expressions and interpolation formulas are obtained for the aperture averaging factor associated with optical scintillation of unbounded plane waves and spherical waves respectively,in weak fluctuation regime.These analyses are inclusion of the finite outer scale,which is necessary for quantitative estimate. The results obtained for the modified model turbulence spectrum significantly differ from those obtained for a Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum.


