

Analysis of spectra characteristics of Er3+-doped Mg-Al spinel crystal

  • 摘要: 实验给出了掺Er3+:Mg-Al尖晶石晶体的吸收谱、荧光谱和激发谱,确定了Er3+离子在Mg-Al尖晶石晶体中的能级位置。用Judd Ofelt理论计算得到了掺Er3+:Mg-Al尖晶石晶体的光谱特性参数。最后对该掺杂晶体出光的可能性进行了分析。


    Abstract: On the experimental basis of the absorption spectrum,excited spectrum and emission spectrum of Er3+-doped Mg-Al spinel crystal,we fined that there are two main absorption lines of wavelength 380nm and 522nm in its absorption spectrum,three strong fluorescence lines of 528nm, 536nm and 549nm and other fluorescence lines in green range.Based on these results,we can calculate the spectrum parameters,such as resonator strength relative to energy transition,transition probabilities of self irradiation, irradiation life and integrated irradiation section.So,we can employ Er:MA spinel crystal to build a novel laser operating at green band or 1.50μm.


