

Phase space reconstruction for noise of the oceanic lidar

  • 摘要: 以机载海洋激光雷达试验数据为依据,通过接收信号中噪声的相空间重建,相关维分析及李雅普诺夫指数的计算,首次初步揭示了其噪声内在的混沌特性,为提高海洋激光雷达系统的检测性能提供了一条新的途径。


    Abstract: In this paper,we first discuss the effect of parameters choosing on phase space reconstruction through the chaotic signal and the signal received from the oceanic lidar.Then we reconstruct the space of the three types signals of determinate signal(cosine),random signal,chaos and experimental signal.We preliminarily know the regular pattern to choose the parameters and the phase space character of the three types of the signals,and find that the phase space of the experimental signal is similar to chaos',but different from random's


