

Research on laser triangulation measurement system with non diffraction beam

  • 摘要: 无衍射贝塞耳光束是近年来国内外极为重视的一个新兴研究领域.这种光束同时具有焦深长,中心光斑小的特点.利用这一特点,作者首次提出将其作为入射光束应用于激光三角测量系统,以解决传统激光三角测量系统无法满足大量程与高分辨率测量要求的问题.文中给出了无衍射光束的理论及实现方法.在三角测量物 象位置关系的基础上,设计了无衍射激光三角测量系统及其参数并给出了实验结果.理论分析与实验结果表明,这种新型系统明显优于传统的三角测量系统.


    Abstract: Non-differaction beam is a new research field which has been given more and more attention recently both at home and abroad.It has properties of long focus depth and small central spot.For these properties,the authors apply it as incident beam to resolve the main problem in traditional laser triangulation measurement,which is high resolution and large measurement rang can not be satisfied meantime.Theory and generation method of non-diffraction beam have been given.Basing on the relationship of object-image position,structure parameters of the laser triangulation measurement system with non-diffraction beam has been designed and the experimental results have been given.The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the novel system is better than the traditional triangulation systems clearly.


