

Review on the development of optical limiting effect of C60

  • 摘要: C60的成功合成与分离为深入研究激光防护新材料打开了大门,基于反饱和吸收机理的光限效应是C60的重要特性之一.本文就C60的光限机制、特性、最新研究进展及应用前景作一概述.


    Abstract: Fullerene-C60 ,as a kind of new materials used for laser protection,has been studied due to the fact that it is synthesixed and separated successfully in recent years.Optical limiting effect is based on the principles of reverse saturable absorption in C60 and it is one of the significant properties of this material.In this paper,some mechanisms,performances for optical limiting,new studying progresses of C60 are introduced and the application of C60 as an optical limiter material in future is discussed.


