

Laser techniques of measuring particles size and their size distribution

  • 摘要: 本文较全面地介绍了微粒直径及直径分布的激光测量技术.详细讨论了光全散射法、光角散射法、衍射法及激光脉冲全息法的测量原理、适用范围及其发展.研究结果表明,光学法测粒具有测量粒度范围广、重复性好、精度高、不接触样品、不要求导电介质以及测量时间短并可在线实时测量等优点.


    Abstract: According to the characteristics of fuel spray,CBP (Convolution backprojection),ART (Algebraic reconstruction technique) and SIRT (Simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique),which are used to realize the visualization of the internal structure of fuel spray,are studied in this paper.The reconstruction results with a P540 digital image processing system show that when the noise exists in the projection data,the SIRT provided the best image reconstruction taking the longest calculation time,the worst image reconstruction is obtained by CBP taking the shortest calculation time,and ART is in the middle.


