Computer simulating of resonant switching power supply for high power CO2 gas laser
摘要: 研究了高功率CO2激光器用零电流开关准谐振开关电源,讨论了电源的工作原理和电路结构,进行了激光电源的计算仿真研究,得到了谐振电路的工作波形,通过谐振开关方式与PWM硬开关方式的比较,论述了零电流开关准谐振变换器的技术特点及优势。Abstract: The zero current switching quasi resonant converter for high power Fast Axial Flow CO2 gas laser is studied in this paper.The operating principle and circuit structure of the power supply are discussed.The resonant converter is simulated by computer and the operating waveforms are obtained.Compared with the PWM hard switching converter,the outstanding characteristics of the ZCS-QR converter are presented.The resonant converter is especially attraction for high frequency,high power application.