

Study of two wave coupling feature of Ce:KNSBN crystal at red light region

  • 摘要: 用红光对掺铈的铌酸钾钠锶钡(KNSBN)单晶样品进行了两波耦合的测量,研究了两波耦合中样品的增益系数Γ与两束入射光夹角2θ的关系.用光折变理论拟合了Γ-2θ关系的实验结果,求出了该样品的有效光折变电荷密度,有效电光系数和电子-空穴对抗率的数值.


    Abstract: Using 6328nm red light,we have made the experimental studies to two wave light coupling in Ce:KNSBN single crystal and demonstrate that the gain coefficientΓof two-wave coupling is a function of the crossing angle 2θ of two beams.According to fitting of Γ-2θ experimental data,the effective photo refractive charge density,the effective electro optical coefficient and the hole electron competition factor have been derived.These results are useful to optical information processing.


