

Numerical simulations and analyses of optical guiding in free-electron lasers

  • 摘要: 本文对喇曼型自由电子激光光导效应进行了理论研究和数值模拟。我们编写了轴对称的二维计算机程序(FELOG),用来研究无波导和有波导情况下的光导效应。对光场分布、光场半径、填充因子及等效折射率等进行了模拟。根据实验参数进行的模拟结果与实验结果进行比较,它们符合很好。并对影响光导效应的因素进行了分析。


    Abstract: Optical guidings in Raman FELs are studied theoretically and calculated in this papers.We have performed a two-dimensional program(FELOG),which is used to study optical guidings without and with wave guide constructions.The numerical simulations include optical field forfile,opitcal field radius,filling factor,and equivalent index of refraction,etc.The simualated results from experimental parameters agree with experimental results well.And the factors that affect optical guidings are analysed and discussed.


