

Control technique of optical chaos for period windows

  • 摘要: 本文明确提出一种光学混沌控制技术——周期窗口控制技术及为解决周期窗口难以找寻之困难而开发的相应的周期窗口搜索及定位技术。周期窗口控制技术用于光学系统之混沌控制简便易行,特别适合于在难于增加泵浦光强的混沌光学系统中不须任何附加设备即可获得高强度的非混沌周期输出。本文将其具体应用于光学二次谐波系统混沌控制的计算机仿真实验中,成功地获得了通常难以达到的强周期二次谐波数值输出。


    Abstract: In this paper,the control technique of optical chaos,also called the period windows technique, with the relative technique of searching and locating of the period windows is presented explicitly to solve the usual difficulty of looking for the period windows in experiment.The period windows controlling technique can be easily used in optical system for chaos control,especially in the higher output,low input system without any accessory device to get the non chaos output.In computer imitation experiment of the chaos control of optical second harmonic output,the strong period second harmonic output obtained.This fact shows that this technique is much better than usual method.


