

Design of magnetic switch for excimer laser

  • 摘要: 本文从理论上详细分析了高功率准分子激光器中脉冲磁压缩开关的工作机理,并在此基础上归纳出脉冲磁压缩开关的设计原则,对实际应用有一定的参考价值.


    Abstract: This paper analyzes theoretically the mechanism of magnetic switch for excimer laser,in detail,and points out that the main factors of effecting of operating characteristics of multistage LC magnetic switch are the match of saturation inductance and unsaturation inductance of stages,properly selecting of capacitors and section area of magnetic switch.Corresponding to this analySis,the principles ofdesigning of magnetic switch are concluded.A new magnetic switch is developed,which has high output power over 1kW,effectiveness 88.6%,pulse width 80us.


