

Further analysis of principle of self-stabilized frequency for single-frequency external resonance cavity He-Ne laser

  • 摘要: 作者用高气压加纵向非均匀磁场获得了二种单频、自稳频高输出功率的外腔式He-Ne激光器,1m激光器的频率非稳定度为6.175×10-9(τ≤10s)和3.38×10-9(τ≤1s);1.8m激光器的频率非稳定度为1.1×10-8(τ≤1s)和2×10-8(τ≤10s),所有数据由中国计量科学院测定。本文是继文献1,8,9和10发表后,对这两种激光器的自稳频原理的再分析。


    Abstract: By adding a inhomogeneous longitudinal magnetic field in the laser cavity, two kinds of the single self-stabilized-frequency He-Ne lasers have been developed.The lasers have the features of the external cavity configuration and high power out-put.Without any external frequency stabilization device, the frequency stability can reach to 6.175×10-9(τ≤10s),3.38×10-9(τ-8 (τ-8(τ<1s) for 1.8 meter laser, measured by beat frequency method.From these facts and hmogeneous extension of spectral line of high pressure gas laser, this paper analyzes the basic principles of the self-stabilized-frequency lasers and point out that this method is simple and can be widely used in the measurement devices.


