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王建颖, 刘智超, 林雪竹, 侯茂盛, 李丽娟

王建颖, 刘智超, 林雪竹, 侯茂盛, 李丽娟. 用于数字化标定的光纤光栅应变检测系统[J]. 激光技术, 2020, 44(5): 570-574. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2020.05.008
引用本文: 王建颖, 刘智超, 林雪竹, 侯茂盛, 李丽娟. 用于数字化标定的光纤光栅应变检测系统[J]. 激光技术, 2020, 44(5): 570-574. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2020.05.008
WANG Jianying, LIU Zhichao, LIN Xuezhu, HOU Maosheng, LI Lijuan. Fiber Bragg grating strain detection system for digital calibration[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 44(5): 570-574. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2020.05.008
Citation: WANG Jianying, LIU Zhichao, LIN Xuezhu, HOU Maosheng, LI Lijuan. Fiber Bragg grating strain detection system for digital calibration[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 44(5): 570-574. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2020.05.008



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国家自然科学基金资助项目 61703056





  • 中图分类号: TN253

Fiber Bragg grating strain detection system for digital calibration

  • 摘要: 在装配过程中因工件不同摆放方式或夹持方式造成表面形变,为了减小其引起基准点、对接位置等的偏差,采用光纤光栅传感器应变检测方法,设计了基于光纤布喇格光栅(FBG)的3维应变场实时监测系统。通过正交结构FBG应变片组实时监测工件的应变场分布变化,并利用ANSYS仿真分析了工件受力后表面形变偏移量分布。结果表明,仿真分析与视觉检测绝对误差为0.72mm,应变检测与视觉检测结果的绝对误差为0.52mm,均在误差范围内; 对比仿真结果、应变检测结果和视觉检测结果,样本偏差为0.19mm。通过建立3维应变场与工件形变偏移量之间关系,实现了形变偏移量补偿并辅助精密装配。该系统在大型工件数字化精密装配中具有重要作用。
    Abstract: To reduce the deviation of the datum marks and the docking positions of tested workpieces owing to variations in their placements or the use of different clamping methods during assembly processes, a real-time monitoring system of three-dimensional (3-D) strain field was designed based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The correspondence between the 3-D strain field and the 3-D spatial coordinates of the workpiece was established, and the calculation method of the workpiece deformation offset was derived. Two FBG sensors were placed in a perpendicular to each other on the workpiece in the form of an FBG strain gauge group to monitor the strain field changes of the workpiece in real time. Numerical analyses were performed to study the workpiece deformations caused by pressure. In addition, the same pressure was applied at different positions of the workpiece and caused the surface of the workpiece to be deformed. Accordingly, the slope of the strain line becomes dense near the edge or at the clamping position, while the slope of the gradient distribution becomes larger than it would be if there were no force. The experimental FBG sensor response is shown to be consistent with the response characteristics of the applied force at the vertical and axial FBG sensors. The absolute error of the simulation analysis is 0.72mm. The absolute error of the strain detection is 0.52mm. Comparing the simulation results, strain detection results, and the visual detection results, the sample deviation of 0.19mm was observed. It can be seen that by establishing the relationship between the 3-D strain field and the workpiece deformation offset, the deformation offset compensation can be realized and the precision assembly is assisted. This system plays an important role in the digital precision of the assembly of large-sized workpieces.
  • 光纤布喇格光栅(fiber Bragg grating,FBG)传感器是将被测信息转化为共振波长的移动继而得到所测数据,多用来测量温度和应力变化,同时还可方便地将多只光纤空分复用连结成网,以达到更好的信息传递效果,在应变检测方面具有广泛的应用,对我国工业、民生以及国防建设具有重大意义,并逐渐成为主流的发展方向之一[1-3]

    国内外许多学者对各种结构的光纤形状传感方法开展了一定研究。2011年,MULLE等人提出了利用重力效应的FBG应变与振动传感器设计,传感器的灵敏度高于传统应变与振动传感器[4]。ALANANY等人利用多芯光纤传感方法开发了一种结构形状测量系统[5]。近年来,光纤光栅的传感阵列在对曲面面形的应变测量和3维重建方面应用广泛[6],2018年,光纤传感网络应用在曲面面性测试的研究越来越多,LEAL-JUNIOR等人研究了弯曲形状的传感以及跟踪运动的飞机吊臂结构的光纤布喇格光栅传感器[7]; 同年,QU等人分析了光纤光栅波长漂移与柔性蒙皮弯曲曲率的关系,建立了柔性蒙皮曲率标定实验系统,验证了变形机翼柔性蒙皮形状光纤传感实时监测的技术可行性[8]


    当一束光进入光纤光栅时,对于FBG传感来说,波长λB为入射光通过光栅反射波波峰处波长,即中心波长[16]。中心波长λB只与光纤纤芯的有效折射率neff和光纤光栅周期Λ有关, 且满足公式:

    λB=2neffΛ (1)


    ΔλB=λB(1Pε)ε (2)

    式中, ε为测量点受应力后的应变量; Pε为弹光系数。

    系统由宽带光源、3dB耦合器、光纤光栅解调仪、压力器等组成。系统整体测量方案如图 1所示。光由宽带光源射出,经3dB耦合器进入FBG光纤传感器,所测信号经3dB耦合器耦合后,解调结果在光纤光栅解调仪上实时显示。该测试方案针对待测件的3维应变场分布进行检测。当工件受压力等因素产生变形后,导致粘贴在其表面的FBG中心波长发生偏移,再通过MATLAB软件运算处理得到工件受压时应变片的3维应变场变化趋势。

    Figure 1. Schematic of the test scheme of the system
    Figure  1.  Schematic of the test scheme of the system

    系统包括实验测试系统以及软件数据分析系统。实验系统部分包括通过FBG传感器检测到的中心波长偏移量变化, 从而计算出应变值,结合视觉测量技术测量工件变形空间偏移量,建立应变与工件形变偏移量之间关系,以补偿形变偏移量对数字化标定的影响。

    中心波长偏移量ΔλB与空间偏移距离D之间关系以超定方程AC=Y表示[18],其中A为6个FBG应变传感器实时监测得到的中心波长偏移量ΔλB的集合,C为实数系数, Y为受力点受压后在不同方向上的空间偏移距离值的集合。应用MATLAB计算C值,下式表示3维应变场中FBG应变传感器组所监测到的中心波长偏移量ΔλB与工件表面在不同方向上因不同因素所产生的形变偏移量之间的关系,即:

    {dx=(ΔλB,1ΔλB,6)(Cx1Cx6)Tdy=(ΔλB,1ΔλB,6)(Cy1Cy6)Tdz=(ΔλB,1ΔλB,6)(Cz1Cz6)T (3)

    式中,ΔλB, 1λB, 6是指1号~6号FBG应变传感器所监测得到的中心波长偏移量; dx为空间偏移值Dx轴分量; dy为空间偏移值Dy轴分量; dz为空间偏移值Dz轴分量。

    D=(dx)2+(dy)2+(dz)2 (4)

    应用MATLAB计算不同方向上实数系数C值为:Cx1=0.0205;Cx2=0.0316;Cx3=0.0455;Cx4=0.0094;Cx5=-0.0711;Cx6=-0.024;Cy1=0.0019;Cy2=0.0032;Cy3=0.0033;Cy4=0.0007;Cy5=-0.0071;Cy6=0.0062;Cz1=0.0366;Cz2=-0.017;Cz3=0.0486;Cz4=0.0107;Cz5=-0.1226;Cz6=0.0393。对任意FBG而言,正交应变片阵列监测得到的中心波长偏移量ΔλB是通过实验可测得量。当被测点位置发生变化时,FBG所监测到的中心波长偏移量ΔλB亦随之改变,代入(3)式即可得到工件受外力作用影响时,x轴、y轴、z轴3维方向上的形变偏移量,将3维方向上计算的dx, dy, dz值代入(4)式可得工件表面空间变形程度。

    为了对比工件表面受力时面形变形程度,利用ANSYS软件对工件进行仿真分析[19]。对大小为300mm×250mm×2mm的工件进行仿真,材质为各项同性的6061型铝合金薄板,密度ρ=2.89g/m3; 弹性模量E=68.9GPa; 泊松比ν=0.330[20]。在静态结构命令下施加约束和压力。约束条件同实际实验条件; 接触面为直径2mm的圆,施力器对圆柱施力,施力面积相对于整体结构来说较小,因此可以将受力面看作是点施力。对工件所施压力均不会导致塑性变形,以保证仿真精确度。针对被测工件受相同压力的条件下,监测表面应变和形变偏移量的变化趋势。当在特征点即被测工件中点施加大小为50N压力时,仿真效果如图 2所示。

    Figure 2. Simulation results following compression at the characteristic point
    Figure  2.  Simulation results following compression at the characteristic point
    a—displacement change after compression at the characteristic point b—strain change after compression at the characteristic point

    建立基于FBG传感器的3维应变场监测系统,实验装置实物图如图 3所示。实验中所用FBG应变传感器型号为Acrylate SNF-28e;6个传感器带宽均为0.195nm; 边模抑制比为18.75dB; 栅区长度为10mm; 反射率高达92.5%,其中心波长分别是:1548.015nm, 1535.479nm, 1542.419nm, 1532.147nm, 1545.193nm, 1539.064nm。

    Figure 3. Experimental setup for strain detection
    Figure  3.  Experimental setup for strain detection



    利用Handscan手持双目扫描仪辅助应变监测系统,实验中所用Handscan手持双目扫描仪精度0.05mm; 扫描速率为18000个测量点/s[21]。将靶标点按最优位置粘贴在工件上,利用Handscan手持双目扫描仪扫描靶标点,在软件VXelements上得到靶标点3维空间位置,然后扫描整个被测面表面面形。由于实验误差的存在,极个别点会略有偏差,但并不影响实验结果。利用MATLAB处理扫描结果,计算出施力前后定位点空间偏移距离D大小。当被测工件受压时除受压点外其余点最大空间偏移距离D=1.372mm。应变检测与视觉检测空间偏移量结果的绝对误差为0.52mm,误差不超过1mm在误差范围内。


    比较表 1中各组微应变不难看出,实验中FBG应变片组在相同受力下监测被测工件应变最大变化量为16.9με; 利用ANSYS对被测工件进行分析后得到的在相同受力条件下应变变化量为19.6με。通过与仿真应变数据对比得到实验所测应变误差小于30με,两组数据合并后的方差为5.4mm2。通过ANSYS仿真分析得到的空间偏移量与视觉测量获得的工件表面空间偏移量结果对比如表 2所示。

    Table  1.  Comparison between simulated and measured value
    FBG ANSYS simulation/με strain measurement/με
    1 25.4 13.2
    2 28.4 15.6
    3 23.6 18.1
    4 28.1 1.2
    5 11.8 9.6
    6 8.8 8.4
    下载: 导出CSV 
    | 显示表格
    Table  2.  Comparison between simulation results and visual measurement results D
    coordinate/cm simulation D/mm vision D/mm
    (2, 2) 0.156 0.729
    (4, 2) 0.162 0.832
    (6, 2) 0.153 0.714
    (8, 2) 0.134 1.372
    (2, 4) 0.184 1.036
    (4, 4) 0.188 0.932
    (6, 4) 0.175 0.934
    (8, 4) 0.151 0.738
    (2, 6) 0.209 0.837
    (4, 6) 0.211 0.937
    (6, 6) 0.193 0.942
    (8, 6) 0.165 0.828
    (4, 8) 0.225 0.944
    (6, 8) 0.205 0.945
    (8, 8) 0.174 0.816
    下载: 导出CSV 
    | 显示表格


    图 4所示,仿真结果中工件因受力所产生的空间偏移量值整体变化趋势较为平缓,视觉测量结果中不同受力点产生的偏移量较大,但最大值不超过2mm,对比仿真结果、应变检测结果和视觉检测结果,样本偏差为0.19mm,标准方差为2.141,由应变传感器反演出的受力区域内的空间偏移量值在仿真结果与视觉测量结果之间,变化趋势与视觉测量结果相似,符合实验预期效果。通过ANSYS仿真结果、视觉扫描结果和FBG应变传感器监测所得的空间变形量D对比分析,证明利用FBG应变传感器组网监测工件的方法具有可行性。

    Figure 4. Variations of the spatial offset D values at various measurement points
    Figure  4.  Variations of the spatial offset D values at various measurement points



  • Figure  1.   Schematic of the test scheme of the system

    Figure  2.   Simulation results following compression at the characteristic point

    a—displacement change after compression at the characteristic point b—strain change after compression at the characteristic point

    Figure  3.   Experimental setup for strain detection

    Figure  4.   Variations of the spatial offset D values at various measurement points

    Table  1   Comparison between simulated and measured value

    FBG ANSYS simulation/με strain measurement/με
    1 25.4 13.2
    2 28.4 15.6
    3 23.6 18.1
    4 28.1 1.2
    5 11.8 9.6
    6 8.8 8.4
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  2   Comparison between simulation results and visual measurement results D

    coordinate/cm simulation D/mm vision D/mm
    (2, 2) 0.156 0.729
    (4, 2) 0.162 0.832
    (6, 2) 0.153 0.714
    (8, 2) 0.134 1.372
    (2, 4) 0.184 1.036
    (4, 4) 0.188 0.932
    (6, 4) 0.175 0.934
    (8, 4) 0.151 0.738
    (2, 6) 0.209 0.837
    (4, 6) 0.211 0.937
    (6, 6) 0.193 0.942
    (8, 6) 0.165 0.828
    (4, 8) 0.225 0.944
    (6, 8) 0.205 0.945
    (8, 8) 0.174 0.816
    下载: 导出CSV
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  • 期刊类型引用(7)

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    6. 王春霞,刘云朋. 基于光纤传感的工业生产线智能装配系统. 红外与激光工程. 2022(10): 224-229 . 百度学术
    7. 王春霞,刘云朋,张利. 基于光纤传感的自动化装配轨迹校正系统设计. 激光与红外. 2022(12): 1858-1862 . 百度学术


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-29
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  • 发布日期:  2020-09-24


