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Volume 48 Issue 5
Sep.  2024
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Theoretical study on the force of PCCL beam on Rayleigh particles

  • Corresponding author: QU Jun,
  • Received Date: 2023-09-06
    Accepted Date: 2023-11-23
  • To investigate the capture characteristics of Rayleigh particles by partially coherent crescent like beam (PCCL). The generalized Huygens Fresnel principle was adopted to derive the expression of the cross spectral density and the force on Rayleigh particles of PCCL beams transmitted through an ABCD optical system. Software simulation and theoretical analysis were conducted on the normalized intensity and force distribution on Rayleigh particles of a focused PCCL beam in the focal plane, and the patterns of the intensity and capture force of the focused PCCL beam changing with the beam parameters and focal length were obtained. The results show that when the beam order n=3, the initial waist width w0=0.1 mm, and the coherence length d0=6 mm, the PCCL beam focused by the lens with a focal length of f=12 mm, both high and low refractive index particles can be captured. Since the PCCL beam presents an off-axis light intensity distribution in the focal plane, and the peak light intensity is not at the coordinate origin, the focused PCCL light intensity and the force of Rayleigh particles can be controlled by adjusting the beam order, initial waist width, coherence length and focal length, so as to realize the flexible capture of Rayleigh particles at different positions by focusing the PCCL beam. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for the stable capture of particles by focusing PCCL beams.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Theoretical study on the force of PCCL beam on Rayleigh particles

    Corresponding author: QU Jun,
  • School of Physics and Electronic Information, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, China

Abstract: To investigate the capture characteristics of Rayleigh particles by partially coherent crescent like beam (PCCL). The generalized Huygens Fresnel principle was adopted to derive the expression of the cross spectral density and the force on Rayleigh particles of PCCL beams transmitted through an ABCD optical system. Software simulation and theoretical analysis were conducted on the normalized intensity and force distribution on Rayleigh particles of a focused PCCL beam in the focal plane, and the patterns of the intensity and capture force of the focused PCCL beam changing with the beam parameters and focal length were obtained. The results show that when the beam order n=3, the initial waist width w0=0.1 mm, and the coherence length d0=6 mm, the PCCL beam focused by the lens with a focal length of f=12 mm, both high and low refractive index particles can be captured. Since the PCCL beam presents an off-axis light intensity distribution in the focal plane, and the peak light intensity is not at the coordinate origin, the focused PCCL light intensity and the force of Rayleigh particles can be controlled by adjusting the beam order, initial waist width, coherence length and focal length, so as to realize the flexible capture of Rayleigh particles at different positions by focusing the PCCL beam. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for the stable capture of particles by focusing PCCL beams.

0.   引言
  • 对激光空间相干性进行适当降低可以使光束呈现出独特的光学特征,如实现辐照均匀分布[1]、改变光斑的形状[2]、削弱光束在大气湍流中传输时所引起的光强闪烁[3]、光通信误比特率[4]和光束漂移[5]等负面影响,在光束整形[6]、光通信[7]、光学成像[8-9]、激光雷达和目标探测[10]等方面具有广泛的应用潜力。近年来,学者们相继提出了多种具有特殊光场分布的部分相干光束,如余弦高斯关联谢尔模光束[11]、厄米-高斯关联光束[12]、电磁多高斯关联谢尔模光束[13]等部分相干光束。


    部分相干月牙形光束(partially coherent crescent-like beam,PCCL)是一种具有特殊关联空间结构的部分相干光束,其光强分布是离轴且非对称的[20]。2017年,WANG等人提出并实验生成了PCCL光束,对其传输特性进行了研究[21]。ZHOU等人探究了PCCL光束在非Kolmogorov谱中的传输特性[22]。本文作者基于广义Huygens-Fresnel原理,推导了PCCL光束经近轴ABCD光学系统传输后的交叉谱密度解析表达式;数值计算了PCCL光束聚焦后的光强以及作用在瑞利粒子上的散射力、梯度力。通过对光束参数的调节,具体研究了其捕获特性,以期丰富光镊光源种类。

1.   理论推导
  • 特殊关联部分相干光束在源平面的交叉谱密度(cross-spectral density CSD)函数可表示为[21]:

    式中:r1r2是相对源平面传输过程中的两个随机位置矢量;*表示复共轭;r表示相对源平面的位置矢量,令r=r1=r2, τ(r)具有高斯分布[21]:


    式中:Ln0(·)表示拉盖尔函数;n为阶数;i为虚数单位;rdφdrd的幅度与相位,rd= r2r1d0为相干长度。


  • 在近轴条件下,PCCL光束通过ABCD光学系统传输后的交叉谱密度函数可表示为[23]





    式中:p1(v1)是任意参量v1 ≡(vx, vy)值的非负函数,转化为极坐标形式的可分函数[22]

    引入变换:rd= r2r1, rs=(r2+r1)/2,将F*(r1)与F(r2)写成傅里叶变换的形式:

    式中:$\tilde{F}^*(\boldsymbol{u}), \tilde{F}(\boldsymbol{u}) $表示F*(r1)和F(r2)的傅里叶变换,u表示与傅里叶变换相关的矢量。


    式中:u1=u2=u=ρ /B



  • 当粒子半径a0远小于激光波长λ(a0≤λ/20)时,粒子被称为瑞利粒子,根据瑞利散射理论,聚焦光场对瑞利粒子的梯度力Fgrad和散射力Fscat[19]


2.   数值分析
  • 根据上节中所得PCCL光束在焦平面交叉谱密度和梯度力及散射力的表达式,数值计算了聚焦PCCL光束的在焦平面的光强分布以及作用在瑞利粒子上的梯度力及散射力。

  • 为研究不同光束参数和系统焦距对聚焦后光束光强分布的影响,参数设定为:波长λ=632.8 nm,初始腰宽w0=0.2 mm,相干长度d0=2 mm,光束的功率选择为1 W,指定沿着光束传输的方向为正方向。分别给出了不同相干长度、初始腰宽和不同系统焦距情况下焦平面附近的光强分布。

    当选取的系统焦距为f=12 mm, w0=0.2 mm, z=5 μm时,所得光强如图 1所示。可见,当d0取值较大时,光斑趋向高斯分布,随着相干长度d0的减小,焦平面附近光斑的月牙形逐渐修正。

    Figure 1.  Normalized intensity maps of PCCL beams with different coherent lengths focused by ABCD optical system

    当系统焦距f=12 mm,d0=2 mm,w0=0.2 mm,z=5 μm时,所得光强如图 2所示。可见,随着初始腰宽w0的增大,焦平面附近的光斑增大,光强最大处向x轴正方向偏移明显,离焦平面原点距离增大。

    Figure 2.  Normalized intensity map of PCCL beams with different waist widths focused by ABCD optical system

    当保持选取光束参数为w0=0.2 mm、z=5 μm、d0=2 mm时,所得光强如图 3所示。可见,焦距越小,焦平面附近的光斑越大,光强最大处离坐标原点越远。

    Figure 3.  Normalized intensity maps of PCCL beams focused by different ABCD optical systems


  • 由交叉谱密度和梯度力及散射力的解析表达式,结合聚焦PCCL光束的光强随不同参数变化规律,选择合适的光束参数和焦距,数值分析聚焦PCCL光束作用在粒子上的梯度力及散射力。

    参数设定如下:选择粒子半径a0=30 nm,波长λ=632.8 nm,初始腰宽w0=0.1 mm,相干长度d0=6 mm,np, 1=1.53(玻璃),np, 2=1(气泡),nm=1.33(水),光束的功率选择为1 W,图中力的正负代表着力的方向。

    图 4图 5中给出了不同光束阶数聚焦PCCL光束作用在高折射率瑞利粒子上的横向、纵向梯度力和散射力的分布情况。结果表明,随着光束阶数的增大,聚焦PCCL光束作用在高折射率瑞利粒子上的光学力随之增大;其它光束参数条件不变情况下,光束阶数每增加1阶,粒子所受梯度力和散射力均增大约两个数量级,且粒子所受梯度力均高于散射力。

    Figure 4.  Distribution of transverse and longitudinal gradient forces generated by focusing PCCL beams with different beam orders on high refractive index particles

    Figure 5.  Distribution of transverse and longitudinal scattering forces generated by focusing PCCL beams with different beam orders on high refractive index particles

    当光束阶数n=3时,图 6图 7反映的是聚焦PCCL光束作用在高折射率粒子和低折射率粒子上的梯度力及散射力。实线、虚线分别代表作用在高折射率粒子和低折射率粒子上的梯度力及散射力。从图 6图 7可知,随着粒子折射率大,粒子所受梯度力及散射力均呈现减小趋势,捕获稳定范围基本不变;结果表明,聚焦PCCL光束对于两种折射率粒子均能实现捕获。

    Figure 6.  Distribution of transverse and longitudinal gradient forces generated by focusing PCCL beams on high and low refractive index particles

    Figure 7.  Distribution of transverse and longitudinal scattering forces generated by focusing PCCL beams on high and low refractive index particles

    选取粒子为高折射率粒子,当光束阶数n=3、其它光束参数保持不变时,改变焦距,聚焦PCCL光束作用在粒子上的横向、纵向梯度力的变化情况如图 8所示。随着系统焦距减小,粒子所受梯度力不断增大,捕获点离坐标原点更远,捕获范围也随之增大。

    Figure 8.  Distribution of transverse and longitudinal gradient forces generated by focusing PCCL beams on high refractive index particles with different focal lengths

    选取粒子为高折射率粒子,当光束阶数n=3、其它光束参数保持不变时,改变光束的初始腰宽w0,聚焦PCCL光束作用在粒子上的横向、纵向梯度力的变化情况如图 9所示。随着初始腰宽w0增大,粒子所受梯度力增大明显,且捕获范围随之增大。

    Figure 9.  Distribution of transverse and longitudinal gradient forces generated by focusing PCCL beams on high refractive index particles with different initial waist widths

3.   结论
  • 基于广义惠更斯-菲涅耳原理,推导了部分相干月牙形光束经近轴ABCD系统聚焦后的光强解析表达式,并进行了相应的数值分析和实验模拟。得到了聚焦后的部分相干月牙形光束在焦平面附近随光束参数和焦距变化的规律,保持其它参数不变的情况下,焦平面附近光斑随光束初始腰宽的增大而增大;随光束的相干长度和系统焦距的减小而增大;光束阶数的增大有利于改善光束质量,使其月牙形弯曲程度更加明显,光斑更大,光强最大值处离原点位置更远。通过对聚焦后的部分相干月牙形光束的梯度力及散射力研究,验证了聚焦部分相干月牙形光束可以用于捕捉瑞利粒子。所得结果对于丰富光镊光源具有理论参考价值。

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