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ISSN1001-3806 CN51-1125/TN Map

Volume 48 Issue 4
Jul.  2024
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Experiment and analysis of piezoelectric transducer modulated laser feedback external cavity

  • In order to study the influence of the modulation method of the optical feedback effect of the microchip laser on the optical sensitivity of the laser, a method of driving piezoelectric transducer (PZT) with different modulation voltages and frequencies was used to tune the external cavity of the microchip laser, and the changes of the amplitude and sensitivity of the optical feedback fringe were observed. Numerical simulation and analysis based on the composite cavity equivalent model were conducted. The results show that by increasing the PZT modulation frequency so that it is closer to the relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser, the optical amplification effect becomes more obvious, and the output amplitude and PZT modulation frequency have the same trend. The PZT modulation frequency remains unchanged, and the 140 mA pump current is reduced to the light emission threshold current of about 100 mA, the relaxation oscillation peak will gradually approach the PZT frequency shift modulation amount, which can actively amplify the feedback light, and the gain can be as high as 105. The optical sensitivity is related to the distance between the PZT frequency shift amount and the relaxation oscillation peak. The closer the two are, the stronger the optical sensitivity is. The laser feedback system modulated by PZT has the advantages of lower cost and easy adjustment compared with acousto-optic modulation. This study provides a reference for jointly adjusting the pump current and PZT modulation amount to obtain optical feedback stripes with appropriate amplitude and low noise.
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Experiment and analysis of piezoelectric transducer modulated laser feedback external cavity

    Corresponding author: ZHANG Shulian,
  • 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instrumentation, Department of Precision Instrumentation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Abstract: In order to study the influence of the modulation method of the optical feedback effect of the microchip laser on the optical sensitivity of the laser, a method of driving piezoelectric transducer (PZT) with different modulation voltages and frequencies was used to tune the external cavity of the microchip laser, and the changes of the amplitude and sensitivity of the optical feedback fringe were observed. Numerical simulation and analysis based on the composite cavity equivalent model were conducted. The results show that by increasing the PZT modulation frequency so that it is closer to the relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser, the optical amplification effect becomes more obvious, and the output amplitude and PZT modulation frequency have the same trend. The PZT modulation frequency remains unchanged, and the 140 mA pump current is reduced to the light emission threshold current of about 100 mA, the relaxation oscillation peak will gradually approach the PZT frequency shift modulation amount, which can actively amplify the feedback light, and the gain can be as high as 105. The optical sensitivity is related to the distance between the PZT frequency shift amount and the relaxation oscillation peak. The closer the two are, the stronger the optical sensitivity is. The laser feedback system modulated by PZT has the advantages of lower cost and easy adjustment compared with acousto-optic modulation. This study provides a reference for jointly adjusting the pump current and PZT modulation amount to obtain optical feedback stripes with appropriate amplitude and low noise.

0.   引言
  • 激光干涉仪在推动世界科学技术发展中起到无可替代的作用,但也存在一些遗憾:其对被测物体表面发射率要求较高,绝大多数情况下需要在被测物体表面上安装靶镜才能实现测量[1-2]。研究微片激光器的光回馈效应具有重要应用价值,利用这一原理可实现位移、测速、振动、层析成像等非接触式测量应用[3-8]


    微片激光器在外腔移频调制下具有极高的光回馈敏感度[10-11],可用于微弱信号检测。XU[12]在全程准共路式微片激光回馈干涉仪中,将移频光回馈效应与相位外差测量技术相结合,测量光和参考光的共路可以有效抑制光回馈中的空程误差等环境问题,并将声光移频量调制在弛豫振荡峰之后,提高了仪器的测量速度。WU[13]在He-Ne回馈位移测量仪中引入了回馈外腔扫描技术,回馈镜被压电陶瓷(piezoelectric transducer, PZT)带动往复运动,使位移测量值在一定范围内来回跳动,可消除直流光强的漂移和环境扰动,对仪器的稳定性有很大提升。


1.   实验装置
  • PZT调制激光回馈外腔的实验装置,如图 1所示。

    Figure 1.  Experimental device for PZT modulated laser feedback external cavity

    微片激光器采用厚度1 mm、直径2 mm的微片晶体Nd∶YVO4作为工作介质,在晶片两端面直接镀膜形成平行平面腔结构,该薄片的厚度即为谐振腔长度L,较短的长度保证了全内腔固体微片激光器输出单纵模激光束。镀膜参数为:抽运光射入面镀双色膜,对808 nm波长增透,透过率大于96%;对1064 nm波长全反,反射率大于99.8%。输出端面所镀双色膜对808 nm波长高反射,反射率大于95%;对1064 nm波长高反射,反射率为98%。

    单模激光二极管(laser diode, LD)发射808 nm波长光对Nd∶YVO4微片晶体进行端面抽运,输出1064 nm波长光。方形压电陶瓷片的长宽高为10 mm×10 mm×2 mm,最大驱动电压150 V,对应位移3.3 μm,静电容量760 nF,谐振频率486 kHz。

    激光束经消偏振分光棱镜(non-polarization beam splitter, NPBS)被分成两束光,透射光入射到粘黏在PZT表面上的回馈镜(反射率4%),反射光用光电探测器(photodetector, PD)接收并经I/V转化模块来完成输出光强的转换和放大,输出电信号接入示波器进行观察。

2.   实验结果
  • PZT是一种具有压电性的电介质,当驱动其电压增大时,PZT会伸长一定量,当驱动电压减小时,会缩短回原处。若用对称三角波周期电压驱动PZT,其则会来回伸缩,带动回馈镜调制激光回馈外腔[14]。在20 V~80 V的PZT调制电压作用下,逐渐加大PZT的调制频率进行实验,得到激光器在110 mA~140 mA抽运电流驱动下的光回馈条纹幅值(峰峰值)的变化情况,如图 2所示。

    Figure 2.  Amplitude-frequency curve under different modulation voltage

    观察图 2幅频曲线可知,输出幅值有随PZT调制频率的增大总体呈小幅度曲折上升的趋势;在同一PZT调制电压作用下,驱动微片激光器所用的抽运电流值越小,输出幅值越大。在相同PZT调频范围内,输出幅值跟随PZT调频递增的过程中,幅频曲线出现了多个小波折。在PZT调制电压较小(20 V) 时,这种现象尤为明显,但若增大PZT调制电压,曲线上升趋势会变得平缓。

    弛豫振荡是固体激光器的基本特性[15],是由谐振腔内的辐射与激活介质存储的能量之间的动态相互作用引起的,它们将持续不断地激发出尖峰,引起输出光强产生波动的现象。利用示波器的快速傅里叶变换功能可观察激光器的光功率谱,如图 3所示。

    Figure 3.  Optical power spectrum under acousto-optic frequency shift modulation

    当实际抽运功率大于出光阈值功率,即抽运水平因子η>1时,激光器中就会出现一个固有弛豫振荡峰频率fr=ωr/(2π),其中$\omega_{\mathrm{r}}=\sqrt{\gamma_{\mathrm{c}} \gamma(\eta-1)} $是激光器的弛豫振荡角频率,γc为腔内光场的衰减速率,γ为上能级反转粒子数的衰减速率,激光光场将以ωr趋于稳态。


    无光回馈效应时噪声为主的信噪比为20 dB,实际应用中需保证回馈光的灵敏度足够强且稳定,即PZT调频量需大于40 dB,可参照图 3,声光移频调制下的回馈光灵敏度约44 dB,也有利于后续的信号处理。

    图 4表明了随着PZT移频量的增大,更靠近弛豫振荡峰,回馈光灵敏度得到显著提升,从30 dB(170 kHz)增大至38 dB(180 kHz)、40 dB(190 kHz)。

    Figure 4.  Variation trend of light sensitivity and PZT frequency modulation

    线尖峰在PZT小电压低频调制下不易出现,因其所获增益小且动荡。比较图 3(140 mA抽运电流)和图 4(110 mA抽运电流)可知,微片激光器在PZT调制作用下与其经声光移频调制的效果相似,都借助的是弛豫振荡的放大作用,且其频率大小与抽运电流值相关[15]。抽运电流越大,尖峰形成越快,因而尖峰的时间间隔越小,则弛豫振荡频率越大,反之则越小。

    提高PZT调制电压,虽能使线尖峰灵敏度增大,但同时可能会出现多个不同频率的单线峰,如图 5所示。可能是PZT伸缩不均所致,或是高频大电压驱动PZT存在上限,即PZT在大电压驱动下,其伸缩量会随调频量的增大而减少[16]

    Figure 5.  Relationship between PZT modulation voltage and the number of line spikes

    改变PZT调制频率,也存在没有对应的线尖峰出现的情况,可能是该移频量恰好处于其附近弛豫振荡尖峰的低谷处,灵敏度低,被噪声淹没。若保持此PZT调频量,将PZT调制电压UPZT由20 V调大至100 V,此线尖峰会再现,如图 6所示。

    Figure 6.  Difference in sensitivity under different PZT modulation voltages


3.   理论分析与仿真
  • 三镜腔激光器外腔中的回馈镜会将光反射回谐振腔内,改变了激光器输出镜的有效反射率,进而对谐振腔内的光场产生调制作用。将输出腔镜M2和外腔回馈镜M3合并为一个等效反射镜M2′,三镜腔模型[17]就可等效为两镜腔模型,如图 7所示。

    Figure 7.  Equivalent model of composite cavity








    取Nd∶YVO4激光器的上能级粒子数衰减速率γ=1.11×104/s,腔内光场衰减速率γc=2.75×1010/s,不同抽运电流值可转算为抽运水平因子η,对式(5)进行数值仿真,增益项随PZT调制频率的变化曲线如图 8所示。

    Figure 8.  Variation curve of gain term with PZT modulation frequency

    图 8可知,选择不同抽运电流值,微片激光器的回馈光受弛豫振荡峰影响,所获得的增益各不相同。在同样的PZT低频调制范围内,抽运电流值越小,增益项整体放大作用越强。若PZT调制频率靠近弛豫振荡峰,增益项变大,对回馈光的放大作用增强。当ωPZT=ωr时,增益项最大可达106量级,表明微片激光器经PZT调频回馈后能具有极高的光回馈灵敏度,能用于微弱信号检测。

    再对式(4)进行数值仿真,在相同PZT调频量(50 kHz)时,得到不同抽运电流的输出光强的相对调制,如图 9所示。图 9的仿真结果表明,回馈光在相同PZT调制电压作用下,减小抽运电流值,输出幅值会整体增大。

    Figure 9.  Relative modulation of laser output intensity with different pump currents

    在同一抽运电流(110 mA),得到不同PZT调频量的输出光强的相对调制,如图 10所示。图 10的仿真结果说明,输出幅值会随PZT调频量的增大而增大。仿真结果很好地印证了图 2中的实验现象。

    Figure 10.  Relative modulation of laser output intensity with different PZT frequency modulation

4.   结论
  • 实验中发现,微片激光器的光回馈条纹幅值和灵敏度会同时受驱动抽运电流值以及PZT调制电压、频率的影响。若提高PZT调频,使其更靠近激光器的弛豫振荡峰,对回馈光的放大效果则越明显,输出幅值与PZT调频的变化趋势相同。对外腔存在PZT调频的复合腔等效模型进行理论分析,数值仿真结果与实验现象相符。根据仿真,若在2 MHz的PZT调频下,将140 mA抽运电流减小至略大于出光阈值电流值时,弛豫振荡峰会左偏移减小,其对回馈光的增益将从103增大至105,起主动放大回馈光的效果。用PZT调制回馈外腔的效果与外腔存在声光移频调制的微片激光回馈干涉仪[20]相似,有测量微弱信号的潜在应用价值。

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