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Volume 48 Issue 3
May  2024
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Stability of LD end-pumped Z-cavity Nd∶GdVO4 laser

  • Corresponding author: LI Qi'nan,
  • Received Date: 2023-04-18
    Accepted Date: 2023-06-15
  • In order to improve the stability of laser diode(LD) end-pumped Z-cavity solid-state lasers, take Nd∶GdVO4 solid-state laser as an example. The influence of parameters like arm length and radius of curvature of the lens of the Z-shaped resonant cavity on the Gaussian beam was studied by numerical simulation, while considering the crystal thermal lensing effect. The relationship curves of the focal length of the crystal thermal lens with the variation of the pump power, the relationship curves of the stability of the resonant cavity with the variation of the focal length of the thermal lens, and the relationship curves of the Gaussian beam waist radius with the variation of the resonant cavity split arm length and the lens radius of curvature were obtained. The profile curves of the Gaussian beam were plotted. The results indicate that a suitable selection of the split-arm parameters of the Z-cavity can obtain a smaller beam waist size at the main plane of the crystal and the rear-end mirror, and the results of this study can provide a theoretical reference and basis for the construction of resonant cavities of Z-type solid-state lasers.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Stability of LD end-pumped Z-cavity Nd∶GdVO4 laser

    Corresponding author: LI Qi'nan,
  • School of Science, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, China

Abstract: In order to improve the stability of laser diode(LD) end-pumped Z-cavity solid-state lasers, take Nd∶GdVO4 solid-state laser as an example. The influence of parameters like arm length and radius of curvature of the lens of the Z-shaped resonant cavity on the Gaussian beam was studied by numerical simulation, while considering the crystal thermal lensing effect. The relationship curves of the focal length of the crystal thermal lens with the variation of the pump power, the relationship curves of the stability of the resonant cavity with the variation of the focal length of the thermal lens, and the relationship curves of the Gaussian beam waist radius with the variation of the resonant cavity split arm length and the lens radius of curvature were obtained. The profile curves of the Gaussian beam were plotted. The results indicate that a suitable selection of the split-arm parameters of the Z-cavity can obtain a smaller beam waist size at the main plane of the crystal and the rear-end mirror, and the results of this study can provide a theoretical reference and basis for the construction of resonant cavities of Z-type solid-state lasers.

0.   引言
  • 全固态激光器由于其高效性、光束输出稳定、光束质量高等优势,在医疗、安全检测、材料加工[1-2]、原子实验等领域得到广泛应用[3],并随着新型、功能优异的增益介质陆续被研发出来,全固态激光器得到更好的发展[4]。Z型腔的全固体激光器可以实现更长的光程、更小的体积和更高的储能效率,在波长调谐、模式选择以及实现锁模脉冲[5]等方面更具有优势,但是由于Z型谐振腔涉及到的腔参数较多(分臂长度及镜面曲率半径等),且随着抽运功率的增加,激光晶体的热透镜效应逐步显著[5],对谐振腔的稳定性起到破坏作用,因此,Z型谐振腔的稳定性问题一直是影响激光器正常运转的重要因素。2004年, LI等人对由Nd∶YVO4(掺钕钒酸钇晶体)组成的端面抽运Z型折叠腔做了深入的理论分析,得到了在激光器正常工作条件下,激光晶体的热焦距及谐振腔臂长度的变化范围[7],而没有考虑高斯光束光斑的大小变化情况。QIN等人曾对端面抽运的Z型固态激光器腔体进行了仿真,并给出了其稳定性与高斯光束束腰半径和腔长之间的联系[8],但未考虑腔镜曲率半径对高斯光束半径的影响。HOU等人对双端抽运的折叠腔进行了仿真,并据此得出结论:调整谐振腔的臂长,可以改变共振腔的稳定区域; 还利用相同的光学器件,分别设计了长、短腔体,并做了比较[9],但只考虑了热透镜焦距对谐振腔的稳定性参量和光斑半径的影响。ZHANG等人在对谐振腔稳定性进行研究时,探究了谐振腔不同臂长时,激光晶体中心处的光斑大小以及谐振腔的稳定区域[10],并未考虑镜面曲率半径对高斯光束光斑大小的影响。

    本文中综合考虑Z型折叠腔的臂长、镜面曲率半径、晶体热透镜效应等各种因素对高斯光束的影响,针对半导体激光二极管(laser diode, LD)端面抽运折叠腔的Nd∶GdVO4(掺钕钒酸钆晶体)激光器,应用ABCD传输矩阵理论,通过编程模拟,对谐振腔的稳定进行了全面的计算和分析,为Z型折叠腔激光器的优化提供了可靠的依据。

1.   Z型腔的腔参数分析
  • Z型折叠腔的结构如图 1所示。图中, LD为二极管抽运激光器,抽运光经光纤和耦合透镜后注入谐振腔,M1为抽运端镜,曲率半径为R1;激光晶体以Nd∶GdVO4为例;M2为第一反射镜,曲率半径为R2;M3为第二反射镜,曲率半径为R3;M4为输出镜,曲率半径为R4; M1到晶体、晶体到M2、M2到M3、M3到M4的距离分别为L1L2L3L4; θ为折叠镜M3处的折叠半角。

    Figure 1.  Z-type folding cavity



    式中: $w_{\mathrm{p}}$表示抽运光斑半径; $K_{\mathrm{c}}$是热传导系数; $\mathrm{d} n / \mathrm{d} t$是晶体的光热系数; $\alpha$是晶体的吸收系数; $l$表示晶体长度$; P_{\mathrm{th}}=\left(1-\lambda_{\mathrm{p}} / \lambda\right) P_{\mathrm{p}}$, 是热载荷功率$; P_{\mathrm{p}}$是抽运光功率; λp为抽运波长; λ为激光波长。

    用F表示Nd∶GdVO4晶体,图 1可等效为图 2

    Figure 2.  Equivalent diagram of folding cavity


    式中: a, b, c, d分别表示高斯光束往返矩阵对应的4个元素。






2.   Z型腔的数值模拟体参量分析
  • 所选激光晶体Nd∶GdVO4各项特性参数[18]表 1所示。

    absorption coefficient 7.4 mm
    thermal conductivity 11.7 W/(m·K)
    thermal-optical coefficient 4.7×10-6 K
    doping concentration 0.5%
    size of crystal 5 mm×5 mm×10 mm

    Table 1.  Nd∶GdVO4 crystal characteristic parameters

    结合表 1和式(1),抽运光束在晶体上的半径wp=0.25 mm,对其进行数值仿真,得出了热透镜的焦距和抽运光功率之间的曲线。

    热透镜的焦距与抽运光功率呈反比例关系,随着抽运光功率的增加,f会逐步降低,热透镜效应愈加显著[19]。从图 3可知, 所设计的折叠腔允许激光晶体的热透镜焦距变化范围为25 mm~250 mm。

    Figure 3.  Relationship between thermal lens focal length and pump power

    折叠腔的各个参量为:L1=15 mm,L2=15 mm,L3=250 mm,L4=115 mm,R2R1=+∞ mm,R3=100 mm,R4=50 mm。

    图 4表示f在(0 mm,250 mm)时,谐振腔稳定性参量g1g2的变化。随着f取值的增大,稳定性参数g1g2先减小到0又增大。从图 4可知,所设计的折叠腔允许激光晶体的热透镜焦距变化范围有两个: (25 mm,81 mm)和(81 mm,250mm)。

    Figure 4.  Stability parameter of the resonator changes with the focal length of the thermal lens

    折叠腔参量与图 4描述的腔参量保持一致,设激光晶体热透镜焦距f分别为100 mm和150 mm。从图 5可以看出Z型腔整个腔内的光束大小分布情况。图中, L表示谐振腔腔长,这个腔具有至少两个束腰位置。可在分臂较长的位置处插入Q开关或非线性光学晶体光学元件。由图 5可知,当f=100 mm时,与前面拟定的抽运光束大小接近,可以达到非常好的匹配。

    Figure 5.  Size distribution of the beam in the cavity

    图 6a所示, 腔的各个参量为:L1L2=150 mm,R2R1=+∞ mm,R3=100 mm,R4=50 mm,L4分别取不同的值时,随着L3的增加,束腰半径的变化并不是单一的,在所取范围内出现2个尖峰,在激光输出稳定条件下,L4=115 mm时,L3的允许取值范围在; L4=130 mm时,L3的允许取值范围在;L4=160 mm时,L3的允许取值范围在。从图 6可知, 随着L4变小,光束的稳定区间在变大,束腰半径在变小,束腰位置向M3靠近。

    Figure 6.  Effect of the variation of the arm length on the cavity mode radius

    图 6b所示,腔的各个参量为:R2R1=+∞ mm,R3=100 mm,R4=50 mm,L3=250 mm,L4=115 mm,L1分别取不同的值时,随着L2的增加,臂长L1越大, 束腰半径越小,且束腰位置远离输入端镜。

    图 7中折叠腔的其它参量为:R1=+∞ mm,R3=100 mm,R4=50 mm。在满足稳定条件的情况下,当L1L2=150 mm、L4 =115 mm时,改变R2的曲率半径和L3分臂光束,束腰半径大小随R2的变化情况,如图 7a所示。增大M2的曲率半径,光束的束腰半径减小且束腰位置向M3靠近。图 7b中,L3=250 mm,L4=115 mm,当L1=150 mm时,改变R2的曲率半径和L2分臂光束,同样随着R2增大,光束的束腰半径减小。

    Figure 7.  Effect of radius of curvature R2 on resonant cavity mode radius

    折叠腔的各个参量为:L1L2=150 mm,R2R1=+∞ mm,R3=100 mm,R4=50 mm时,在激光器稳定运转的情况下,从图 8a可以看出,增大L3的臂长,抽运端镜M1处的光斑大小基本稳定,增大臂长L4,臂长L3的稳定区域变小,M1镜处的光斑半径变大;从图 8b可知,增大L3的臂长,后端镜M4处的光斑逐渐变小,增大臂长L4,臂长L3的稳定区域变小,M4镜处的光斑半径变小。

    Figure 8.  Effect of the variation of the arm length L3 on the beam radius at the M1 and M4

3.   结论
  • 分析了Nd∶GdVO4晶体的热透镜效应,以传输矩阵为基础,数值模拟了在稳定条件下,通过改变Z型腔的腔体参量对激光器稳定性的影响。

    (a) 在L1L2不变的条件下,随着L4变小,光束的稳定区间变大,束腰半径变小,束腰位置向M3靠近。

    (b) 在L3L4不变的条件下,适当增大L1的臂长,可获得更小的束腰。

    (c) 其它腔参量不变,改变L3的分臂长度, 增大R2,光束的束腰半径减小且束腰位置向M3靠近;改变L2的分臂长度, 增大R2,光束的束腰半径减小且束腰位置向M2靠近。

    (d) 在稳定条件下,增大L3的臂长,抽运端镜处的光斑半径基本稳定,后端镜处的光斑大小逐渐变小。

Reference (19)



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